9 February 2013

Linear Experiences Map

Here are some shots of the work I put up on Friday. Bit annoyed as I wanted to show it without the map, was told by a few people I NEEDED the map, and then got told by everyone else it would have looked better without the map. Next time just do what you want. Never mind. 107 sketches of the line from Primrose Hill to Horseguards, pinned to the location of their creation. I chose to use these little black pins as I thought they would have a kind of more human presence than the drawing pins, and they stand out as a black line against the white paper. The drawings and pins cluster around areas where there was a lot of things that got my attention, thin out where there was less, are more detailed in places where I went slower, and more sketchy when I was on the move.

1 comment:

  1. sam
    if you have the time can you photograph the linear experience as you wanted it to look and also take an overall planshot of a grid of the 107 drawings laid on floor or pinned out on wall.
