24 February 2013

James Corner Presentation

Here's the poster I put together about James Corner and his company Field Operations, for a talk about how certain designers could inspire and direct the work we are doing for the line project.


A project dealing with transformations. Seven identical objects, each one transformed in a different way. I chose pencils and here are the results...








All seven

17 February 2013

Markfield Park

Great use of the old walls of the original building. Loads of spaces top explore.

9 February 2013

What to wear to work...

Found this article about what they wear at JCFO...

Wall Street Journal

Fresh Kills Park


We're going to be starting a video project soon. I've done quite a lot of that when I was being an artist at the RCA, here are some of my films of me doing weird stuff...

This one is called Natural Habitat, and I made it for my final show at the RCA. It was shown on a great big HD screen inside a kind of bird hide.

This one is called We Are The Robots, after the Kraftwerk song. Monet sometimes painted with his brushes tied to long sticks, at least I think it was him. Either way, I decided to try and make sculptures in the same way. It ended up on at the ICA which was nice.

In this next video I set myself the challenge of making twenty sculptures, each one in just twenty seconds.

I think this is the longest film I ever made, still less than 10 minutes though. It's called Sculpture Face, with the idea being that I had to build sculptures on people's faces.

This last one is the result of a project I did in Kyoto, called Super Handy Bike. I kitted my crappy old lady's bike out with half a ton 100 yen store tat, and video equipment, and then rode about 13 miles across town to the gallery I was showing it at.

Here's a picture of the finished bike at the gallery...

Linear Experiences Map

Here are some shots of the work I put up on Friday. Bit annoyed as I wanted to show it without the map, was told by a few people I NEEDED the map, and then got told by everyone else it would have looked better without the map. Next time just do what you want. Never mind. 107 sketches of the line from Primrose Hill to Horseguards, pinned to the location of their creation. I chose to use these little black pins as I thought they would have a kind of more human presence than the drawing pins, and they stand out as a black line against the white paper. The drawings and pins cluster around areas where there was a lot of things that got my attention, thin out where there was less, are more detailed in places where I went slower, and more sketchy when I was on the move.

4 February 2013

Site Design - 1st Walk

Going up Primrose Hill

 On top of it

 Eating something

 London Zoo tree on a cage



 Doubt they'll get that down the Bollington canal

 Tree spacing

 Desire lines

 Dissolving marble

 Things to make a view around

 Old dead stuff

 Looking at old dead stuff

 The big boss(es)

 No time for shopping

 Hen's work down Carnaby Street
 Tall stuff

 Flat stuff

 Pretty stuff

 Not so pretty stuff
Done, cold as f**k